Magento 1 Tutorials
Automatically Set the Shipping Method in Magento 2
There's tons of article showing how to do this already but none of them worked for me and missed out a key line. The below code will automatically set the...
Manually Load JS Component in Magento 2 (data-mage-init / magento-init)
Magento 2 allows you to load JS components using JSON in script blocks with a type of text/x-magento-init or by specifying a data-mage-init parameter on any element. This is great...
Remove or Extend a Module or Theme requirejs-config.js File in Magento 2
Magento 2 creates a requirejs-config.js file by combining all of the requirejs-config.js files it finds inside modules and themes. The combined file is then included via a script tag in...
Run Magento 2 Code Externally
If you're working with Magento often you'll find sometimes you need to use Magento functions and classes outside of the Magento platform. In this article we will explore how to correctly do this.
Create An External Database Connection in Magento
This tutorial explains how to create a custom Magento module that connects to an external database connection and lets you interact with it using the Magento framework.
addAttributeToFilter Conditionals In Magento
Product collections in Magento provide a great way to perform complex SQL on the database without having to know any SQL (although knowing it will definitely help!). One of the key functions is addAttributeToFilter. This function adds clauses to the WHERE section of the SQL query being constructed. There are many different conditionals you can use here (Equals, Like etc) so I present them all, with explanations in list form here.
Secure HTTPS Magento Shopping Cart
Learn how to force the Magento shopping cart - or any Magento page - to use SSL. This can improve customer confidence and conversion rates and is so simple to achieve that you should be doing it!
Load A Category or Product by an Attribute
Everyone knows how to load a product by an ID, but this isn't always enough to access the product you're after. Fortunately, Magento provides several simple mechanisms to quickly retrieve product and category data based on attributes such as name, URL or any other attribute you're using. This article illustrates how to do this efficiently so you can get the data you want quickly and easily.
Magento Exception Printing is Disabled by Default for Security Reasons
Every Magento developer has seen the 'Magento Exception Printing is Disabled by Default for Security Reasons' message and by now, most know how to configure Magento to show the error message. There are options available though that allow you to keep the security of the new system without having to discard all errors.
Category Navigation Listings in Magento
There are many ways to display your category/subcategory navigation listings in Magento eCommerce, however some are better than others. This article details how to access your category and subcategory information without making all those expensive database category model load queries.
Add Custom Tabs to the Magento 2 Product Admin
To develop a truly custom Magento eCommerce website, you will more than likely have to customise the Magento Administration section. Using the Magento event system, we will develop a custom Magento module that injects custom tabs into the product edit page. We will also learn how to save any data that is set there. Although this tutorial is written for the Magento Product page, the same techniques apply to the whole of the backend and therefore can be expanded on to add tabs to the Magento order page or the Magento customer page.
Create a Drop-Down of Countries
There are many ways to access country information in Magento. Unfortunately, most developers use a long drawn out way when they can accomplish it in 1 line of code! In this article you will learn how to easily access an array containing country names and country codes. Using this array I will show you how to create a drop down (select box) quickly and easily in the both the Magento front end and the Magento Admin area.
Direct SQL Queries In Magento
Magento's use of data models provide a great way to access and modify data but sometimes, you can't beat a direct SQL query! Magento provides several ways to access the database directly and it is important to understand each way and know which one to choose. In this article learn to how to correctly query the Magento database directly.
Create A Custom Theme in Magento
Creating custom themes in Magento 1 is a massive part of Magento development and a necessary skill for any one serious about developing Magento based websites. In this article, I will aim to explain the new structural changes to custom themes, how to structure your theme folders as well as showing you how to create your own custom Magento theme for Magento 1.
Display Categories and SubCategories in Magento
Display categories and subcategories is a fundamental part of any eCommerce system and is often one of the first things a developer will try to accomplish. In Magento there are several very useful functions that will make handling categories much easier. In this article find out how to: a) display your top level categories b) display your top level categories and their subcategories c) display your top level categories and the current category's subcategories only
Magento Database Structure: EAV
A massively misunderstood part of Magento is it's database structure. The EAV architecture used in the Magento database is an extremely efficient and suitable database methodology and understanding in can be invaluable when developing custom modules for Magento. In this article I attempt to explain how EAV works and why Varien chose to use it. I will also show you some examples of queries you can use to extract usable data,
Magento: Update Product Prices Globally
Sometimes delivery charges scare customers off and can lower your chance of making a sale. A great way to combat this is to work the price of delivery into the product price and offer free delivery. In this article I will show you a way to make global changes to product prices in only a few minutes!
Magento Forms: Prototype Javascript Validation
Learn how to use Magento's built in JavaScript form validation library to validate your forms on the client side.
Magento Cron Jobs
During my time working on Magento projects, I would estimate that at least 50% of sites don't have cron jobs enabled! This figure is so crazily high considering how easy cron jobs are to setup and how useful they can be! In this article I will show you: a) how to set up a cron job for any Linux server b) how to set up up the Magento cron job c) how to add your custom modules to Magento's cron tab
Magento Checkout Error: undefined Javascript Alert
Are you getting a Javascript alert box with the message 'undefined' during checkout? If so, this is a common error with the Magento checkout but fortunately, is easy to diagnose and then fix. A lot of people are posting their fixes online, however these fixes don't work for all users. This is because each persons problem is slightly differently. Fortunately, there is an easy to diagnose your problem, which then, should be easy to fix!
Accessing Static Blocks In Magento
Learn how to use static block's to make even more of your Magento store manageable via the Admin interface. Also learn the various methods of accessing this data.