Magento 2 Smart Product Tabs Documentation
You can install the module for Magento 2 using Composer or you can manually install it using FTP.
ComposerManualRun the following commands in your Magento 2 root directory to install the module using Composer.
# Add the FishPig Composer repo composer config repositories.fishpig composer # Install the module using Composer composer require fishpig/magento2-smarttabs:* # Enable the module in Magento 2 php bin/magento module:enable FishPig_SmartProductTabs # Run the Magento upgrade system php bin/magento setup:upgrade
You can download the latest version of the module by logging in to your account and selecting Account > Projects.
Extract the ZIP file and upload the files to your Magento site at the directory below:
When creating the folders, ensure you use the correct capitalisation.
To complete the installation, run the following commands in a terminal.
# Enable the module in Magento 2 bin/magento module:enable FishPig_SmartProductTabs # Run the Magento upgrade system bin/magento setup:upgrade
Tabs Ordering
It is now possible to display smart tabs and non-smart tabs (ie. tabs added by layout XML in your theme) in a mixed order. You no longer have to choose between having Smart Tabs as the first tabs or last tabs. To do this, ensure your theme uses the getGroupSortedChildNames method.
// The correct way using getGroupSortedChildNames $detailedInfoGroup = $block->getGroupSortedChildNames('detailed_info', 'getChildHtml'); // The incorrect way using getGroupChildNames // This will just add the Smart Tabs at the end rather than using the sort_order $detailedInfoGroup = $block->getGroupChildNames('detailed_info', 'getChildHtml');
This would usually be in the Magento_Catalog::product/view/details.phtml template but it may be different in your theme.