Magento 2 WordPress Integration 1 Click WP Admin Login Documentation

  • Installation

    You can install the module for Magento 2 using Composer or you can manually install it using FTP.


    Run the following commands in your Magento 2 root directory to install the module using Composer.

    # Add the FishPig Composer repo
    composer config repositories.fishpig composer
    # Install the module using Composer
    composer require fishpig/magento2-wordpress-integration-autologin:*
    # Enable the module in Magento 2
    php bin/magento module:enable FishPig_WordPress_AutoLogin
    # Run the Magento upgrade system
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade

    You can download the latest version of the module by logging in to your account and selecting Account > Projects.

    Extract the ZIP file and upload the files to your Magento site at the directory below:


    When creating the folders, ensure you use the correct capitalisation.

    To complete the installation, run the following commands in a terminal.

    # Enable the module in Magento 2
    bin/magento module:enable FishPig_WordPress_AutoLogin
    # Run the Magento upgrade system
    bin/magento setup:upgrade

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  • WP Admin Login Details

    Once the module is installed, you can enter your WordPress Admin login details by going to Magento Admin > Stores > Configuration > FishPig > WordPress > WP Admin Login Details.

    Here you should enter your username (or email) and password that you would use to login to your WordPress Admin account. This data is then encrupted and stored securely in Magento against your Magento Admin account. If you login to another Magento Admin account, these details will not be available.

    Once you have entered correct details and saved them, you can click the WordPress logo (in the main navigation) and then WordPress Admin to be automatically logged in.

    If the details are correct you will be logged in and forward to the WordPress Admin Dashboard. If the details are incorrect, you will be returned to the current page and an error message will be displayed.

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