Magento 2 WordPress Integration Post Types & Taxonomies

Use your custom post types and custom taxonomies from WordPress in your Magento WordPress integrated blog using this module.

All custom post type and custom taxonomy data is automatically picked up by Magento and made available via your integrated blog.

  • Product updates and support for 12 months
  • Instant access via private Composer repository or download as a ZIP
Build your content using customPost types & taxonomies
  1. Adds support for custom post types and custom taxonomies
  2. Supports registering post types and taxonomies in PHP or using a plugin (eg. Custom Post Type UI).
Compatible with all versions of Magento 2.3 and 2.4

Post Types & Taxonomies

This Magento extension provides support for the custom post types and custom taxonomy features of WordPress. It is the best way to build multiple content rich sections of your Magento store.

  • Easy Integration

    Any custom post types or custom taxonomies that you create in WordPress will automatically be picked up by this module and any future changes instantly recognised.

  • Multiple Blogs

    Combine this module with Root and you can create what appears on the frontend to be multiple separate blogs but is actually just different post types (eg. /blog /news /articles /recipes). Each section is completely independent of the others.

  • SEO

    Create content at the perfect URL for your SEO aims and populate those URLs with good SEO content.

  1. What is an add-on module?

    A WordPress Integration add-on module is a module that only works if you first install our free Magento 2 WordPress Integration module to integrate WordPress into Magento 2. The add-on module provides extra functionality to the core integration module.

  2. How do I download an extension?

    All FishPig extensions can be downloaded as ZIP files or installed/upgraded automatically using Composer and our private Composer repository.

  3. Do FishPig modules support the Hyva theme?

    Yes, all FishPig modules are compatible with the Hyva theme for Magento 2.

Changelog v3.2.2